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Yare Jan Music Video – Singer : Smeer Hijran – Auckland New Zealand

Sameer Hijran is a talented Afghan singer who currently resides in New Zealand with his family. He has become a prominent figure within the Afghan community in Auckland, New Zealand, and has garnered attention for his soulful voice and captivating performances. Sameer’s passion for music has led him to produce several songs that have been featured on various Afghan YouTube channels and TV stations, including Omarzad Productions and Afghan Smarts. Sameer’s music resonates deeply with his audience, as he combines heartfelt lyrics with beautiful melodies, reflecting his experiences and emotions. His songs touch on themes of love, longing, and the Afghan cultural heritage, creating a connection with listeners both within and outside the Afghan community. In pursuit of his musical aspirations, Sameer had the opportunity to collaborate with HAPfilm, which served as his first record label in New Zealand. Working closely with the experienced team at HAPfilm, Sameer was able to bring one of his songs to life through a professional music video production. HAPfilm’s expertise in capturing clean and visually appealing footage, combined with their focus on audio production and live multi-track recording, ensured that Sameer’s song received the attention it deserved. Sameer has also taken the stage in Auckland, performing live in various events and venues. His captivating stage presence and powerful vocals have enthralled audiences, earning him a growing fan base and recognition within the music community. With the support of his family and the platform provided by HAPfilm, Sameer is committed to continuing his musical journey and sharing his talent with a wider audience. His dedication to his craft, combined with his rich Afghan heritage, has allowed him to carve a unique space within the music industry in New Zealand. As Sameer’s music reaches more listeners through platforms like YouTube and TV channels, he continues to make an impact within the Afghan community and beyond. His songs not only resonate with his fellow Afghans but also serve as a bridge, promoting cultural exchange and appreciation among diverse audiences including Persians. Sameer Hijran’s journey as an Afghan singer in New Zealand showcases the power of music to transcend boundaries and bring communities together. With his heartfelt performances and collaboration with HAPfilm, Sameer is poised to leave a lasting impression on the music scene in Auckland and beyond, sharing the beauty of Afghan music and culture with the world Lets watch his Music Vidoe Trailer







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